Google Analytics 4 continues to roll out new functionality. In the latest release, GA4 is now set to roll out behaviour modelling.
Companies that implement consent requirements for analytics cookies naturally experience some form of data loss. The lion's share of that data loss is from users that reject cookies. Some websites drop a whopping 50% of their traffic to stay compliant [remember, it's not about having 100% accuracy - no analytics platform can achieve that. It's about having a representable data set with actionable data]. Other forms of data loss include cookie lifespan, ad blockers, javascript errors, timeouts, connection reliability, bots...the list goes on.
So, GA4 are combatting this by modelling the "regular" data in the platform along with conversion modelling to bridge this data leak.
To kickstart behaviour modelling there are some stipulations. Consent Mode must be enabled and the property must. be collecting enough consented data for Google to build the data set.

Google Support:
There are a number of reasons why behaviour modelling will not be applied.
Data-quality icon status | Description |
Including estimated user data | As of [modelling effective date], Analytics is estimating data that's missing due to factors such as cookie consent. |
Including estimated user data* | As of [modelling effective date], Analytics is estimating all possible data that’s missing due to factors like cookie consent. *Cards with realtime or retention data don’t include estimation, however, and only contain data from users who consented to the use of identifiers. |
Excluding estimated user data | Your property’s reporting identity setting doesn’t allow Analytics to estimate data that’s missing due to factors such as cookie consent. Unless you use the blended setting, your reports only include data available from users who consented to the use of identifiers. |
Estimated user data unavailable | The date range selected is prior to when this property became eligible for estimated data. |
Estimated user data unavailable | This report includes only realtime or retention data from users who consent to the use of identifiers. It doesn't include estimated data. |
Google outlines the thresholds required to enable behaviour modelling to work:
Consent Mode is enabled across all site pages and/or app screens.
You've collected at least 1000 daily events with analytics_storage='denied' for at least 7 days.
You've received events from at least 1000 daily users with analytics_storage='granted' for at least 7 of the previous 28 days.